Our Lady Star of the Sea

Shaping our Future




DVD - The Change Process Easter 2018

vision doc

Please click on the blue links below

Shaping Our Future - Vision Document  Advent 2018

E Bulletins

                 Vision Document – Stewards of the Gospel  

We have received the following from Steven Webb, Diocesan Director of Development: We are now half way through the year and it is a good time to remind people that the Parish Partnerships process is on-going.  A copy of the e-bulletin is at the back of the Church for those parishioners not on line and all the e-bulletins can be accessed on the Development section of the diocesan website at :-



Please click on the blue links below

e bulletin June 2019

e bulletin May 2019

e bulletin April 2019

e bulletin March 2019

e bulletin Feb 2019

e bulletin Jan 2019

Video Message 

Bishop Alan

Bishop Alan's Advent 1 2018 Video message 

Parish Response to Proposals

Thurrock Partnership Open Meeting 14th June 2019:

Please see below the minutes for the latest meeting of the Thurrock Partnership, held on Friday 14th June at The Holy Cross, South Ockendon.

Partnership Open Meeting 3


Thurrock Partnership Open Meeting  5th March 2019:

 Well attended, thoughtful and positive with people’s obvious love of their faith and concerns for future pastoral provision. Fr. Brian, as Dean of South Essex, chaired the meeting with the support of Fr. Paul, Parish Priest of Tilbury and Stanford-Le-Hope and Fr. Francis, Parish Priest of South Ockendon.


This first tentative step, based on the diocesan Vision Document, will prayerfully and hopefully help us to work in a more integrated and linked fashion. Given the age of our present priests and the number of students preparing for the Priesthood there will be changes. Please God, we will be generous in our response in implementing our shared future.


Please consider praying the Diocesan Prayer every day which is below. The next Thurrock Partnership meeting, open to all will be in Tilbury at a date to be announced.



Almighty and merciful Father,

bestow your grace upon the Diocese of Brentwood.

We give thanks for the witness of past generations and pray for a fresh outpouring

of the Holy Spirit that we may be ever more faithful to proclaiming the Gospel of Christ.

Bless our Bishop, the Clergy, Religious and Faithful of our Diocese as we work

together to evangelise our Diocese and fulfil our Vision, and graciously grant

plentiful vocations to the Priesthood, the Consecrated Life, Single Life and the Sacrament of Marriage.

Strengthen us in the communion of faith, hope and charity, united in prayer

 with our Holy Father the Pope and the Universal Church.

We ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

Saints Erconwald, Cedd and Edmund of Canterbury, pray for us.







  • 96 Dock Rd
  • Tilbury
  • Essex
  • RM18 7BT

01375 842309
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