Our Lady Star of the Sea


From: Newall Peter <peternewall@thurrock.foodbank.org.uk
Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2024 2:38 PM
Subject: Weekly Wire


Good afternoon to you all,

Firstly this week we Congratulate our administrator Helen Watts for 12 years of service for us here at Thurrock Foodbank. Helen is a great advocate for Thurrock Foodbank and always goes above and beyond trying to resolve people's queries, whether it is a voucher, or someone not being able to use our system, Helen is always on hand to help out and we Thank her for her many years of service.

We also wish Helen and our good friend and colleague Iain Sear a very "Happy Birthday" for next week, born a day apart and both work very hard for Thurrock Foodbank.

We Thank you for what they do and wish them both a Very Happy Birthday!

They are now both nearly as old as I am!

A busy week with a review of our data and strategy by the Trussell Trust, we were congratulated on our achievements and the hard work of our teams, so a big Thank You to everyone for their hard work as we really are making a difference to the people of Thurrock.

Showing another person around our Warehouse the lady commented "how well organised" our Warehouse was, and "what a great operation" she witnessed being undertaken as the team were sorting donations and packing boxes. Thanks to Ceri and all the Warehouse teams for all their hardwork and keeping us all well organised!!


Demand this week has been quite strong as we have seen the young people go back to school, and it becomes quite a stressful time for parents having to buy new uniforms and puts further strain on family finances, when people are already finding it tough going. 

We are still sadly short of some of the essential items required to make up a balanced food parcel. These items include:

Tinned Meats (currys, stews, Bolognese etc)
Tinned Potatoes

Tinned Soups
Desserts, (Jellys, Sponge Puddings, Custard, Rice Pudding)

We do continue to see many blessings coming through our work and we do really value all your support.

If you require any further information regarding our work or would to discuss any aspect of our work in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me,

Date For Your Diary:
Autumn Concert by CDOT Voices in aid of Thurrock Foodbank 
Saturday 5th October 2024 starting at 7.30pm
Socketts Heath Baptist Church, Premier Avenue, Grays RM16 2SB
Tickets £10 adults £2 children available from Helen on warehouse@thurrock.foodbank.org.uk or by calling 07770 404484.

Wishing you a good week ahead.


Pete Newall

Pathfinder Lead & Operations Manager 

Thurrock Foodbank

Personal Line:01375-411806

Office: 01375-416200


From: Newall Peter <peternewall@thurrock.foodbank.org.uk
Sent: 29 August 2024 15:30
Subject: Weekly Wire


Good afternoon,

I hope this email finds you well, the weather has warmed up, which has certainly zapped the energy of our volunteers, especially those loading and delivering the food parcels! I can assure you there were a few sweaty bodies!!

We have always said that the Work of the Foodbank is not an exact science with some centres being very busy and some just seeing a few people. However, beyond each person that visits there is a backstory, and a reason for them coming to see us. So that is why it is important we have time to listen to each and every person that visits our centres. What is sad, is there is still a desperate need for our services.

Please keep our teams in your prayers, as they work with people facing these complex situations and try and help them find a way through and give them hope of a better future.


This week we also remember our good friend and colleague Trevor Fuller who served Thurrock Foodbank so faithfully. Sadly Trevor passed away at the beginning of the month. Trevor was a gadget man and a Mr Fixit. If at any time it was mentioned that a piece of equipment was required, Trevor would either make it or buy it for the centre. He even brought a tape machine for when he sorted a bread donation. He would sit there quite happily sorting and bagging the bread and taping it up, with a cheeky grin on his face. 

His funeral is on Tuesday 12:15 Tuesday 3rd September, at All Saints Church, Foyle drive South Ockendon, please Trevors sons, Paul and Lee in your thoughts and Prayers, and our friends at South Ockendon.Trevor was a big part of the community there, and will be sorely missed by us all.


We have recently had a few lovely corporate donations which have helped with our stock situation, but currently we still do have alot more going out that we have coming in! 

We are still sadly short of some of the essential items required to make up a balanced food parcel.  
These items include:
Tea Bags/ Coffee
Tinned Soups

Tinned Meats (Curry, Stew, Bolognese) 
Jams & Spreads
Desserts, (Jellys, Sponge Puddings, Custard, Rice Pudding)

We do continue to see many blessings coming through our work and we do really value all your support.

If you require any further information regarding our work or would to discuss any aspect of our work in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me,

Date For Your Diary:
Autumn Concert by CDOT Voices in aid of Thurrock Foodbank 
Saturday 5th October 2024 starting at 7.30pm
Socketts Heath Baptist Church, Premier Avenue, Grays RM16 2SB
Tickets £10 adults £2 children available from Helen on warehouse@thurrock.foodbank.org.uk or by calling 07770 404484.

Wishing you a good week ahead.


Pete Newall

Pathfinder Lead & Operations Manager 

Thurrock Foodbank

Personal Line:01375-411806

Office: 01375-416200From: Newall Peter <peternewall@thurrock.foodbank.org.uk

Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2024 8:29 AM
Subject: Weekly Wire


Date For Your Diary:

Autumn Concert by CDOT Voices in aid of Thurrock Foodbank 

Saturday 5th October 2024 starting at 7.30pm

Socketts Heath Baptist Church, Premier Avenue, Grays RM16 2SB

Tickets £10 adults £2 children available from Helen on warehouse@thurrock.foodbank.org.uk or by calling 07770 404484.


Wishing you a good week ahead.

Best Regards

Pete Newall

Pathfinder Lead & Operations Manager 

Thurrock Foodbank

Personal Line:01375-411806

Office: 01375-416200

: ++++++++++++

Newall Peter <peternewall@thurrock.foodbank.org.uk
Sent: Thursday, August 8, 2024 6:22 PM
Subject: Weekly Wire


Good evening to you all,

With COVID still on the rounds, it is still having an impact on our volunteers and our operations, and we appreciate all those stepping in and helping out at short notice.

It was lovely to welcome the staff and young people from "Positively Me", a group looking to make positive impacts in the community. They were a great bunch and we had a great time making up some food parcels. It is great to be able to interact with young people and see their enthusiasm for the work we undertake.

A recent Trussell Trust Impact Report charts the progress we’ve made towards our shared vision for a UK without the need for food banks over the past financial year.

During this time, we have worked hard to sustain our services and to be there for more people struggling to afford the essentials. Whilst it has been difficult to navigate at times, we have made significant steps forward towards creating a society where everyone can lead their lives with dignity and free from financial hardship.

We’ve been putting the foundations in place to provide people with practical support and advice to  less likely that someone will need a food bank again in the future: Our data suggest that there are at least 15 families that we have helped get into a position where they will not need our services in the future.
In the UK around 75% of food banks offered high-quality financial inclusion advice – up from 65% the previous year, and 28% in 2020-21.
It is clear that the changes make a transformational difference within our local community now, and to work to create a future where our work doesn’t need to involve providing emergency food parcels. 

If you have any thoughts or ideas to help us with this strategy please do get in touch.  

Although another strong week across our centres, we do think some were put off attending our centres due to the consistent heavy rain!We are still sadly short of some of the essential items required to make up a balanced food parcel.  

These items include:

Jams & Spreads
Tinned Fruit,
Tinned Vegetables (Peas, Carrots, Sweetcorn) 

Desserts, (Jellys, Sponge Puddings, Custard, Rice Pudding)

We do continue to see many blessings coming through our work and we do really value all your support.

If you require any further information regarding our work or would to discuss any aspect of our work in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me,

Wishing you a good week ahead.


Best Regards

Pete Newall

Pathfinder Lead & Operations Manager 

Thurrock Foodbank

Personal Line:01375-411806

Office: 01375-416200

Thurrock foodbank (@ThurrockFood) | Twitter



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