Our Lady Star of the Sea


From: Newall Peter <peternewall@thurrock.foodbank.org.uk
Sent: 16 January 2025 15:32
Subject: Weekly Wire


Good afternoon,


Another hectic week in the life of the Foodbank. On Monday some of the team took part in some Trussell training on De-escalation, basically about good communications and being aware of your communications. A good reminder of things we should all consider when communicating. It was a pilot course for this area, so it was good to work with the Trussell team and give appropriate feedback.

People across Thurrock are still finding it tough with 60 vouchers being issued in just 3 days! Speaking to some of the agencies people are really struggling with increasing rents and there seems to be no regulation on how much people can increase a rent by.

Our team is also working hard ensuring that the system isn't abused, there will always be those that circumnavigate the system, and we believe it only to be around 4% of our base, meaning 96% are genuine!

Our team has done a good job still ploughing through some of the Christmas donations, and just as they make space more are received, sometimes it can seem a thankless task, but we are so grateful for their hardwork, it is such a great help.


Our warehouse and centres continue to be very busy but sadly we continue to be short of some of the essential items required to make up a balanced food parcel. Specifically this week these items include:
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Fish
Fruit Juice/ Squash
Tinned Meats (Curry, Spaghetti Bolognese, Stew etc)
Mens Toiletries

We continue to see many blessings through our work, seeing people finding real hope.

We really value all your support and prayers for our work.

If you require any further information regarding our work or would to discuss any aspect of our work in more detail, please do not hesitate to contact me,


Have a good week


Pete Newall

Director of Operations


 2-4 Chase Road, Corringham, Essex, SS17 7QH

 01375-411806/ 01375-416200

  https://thurrock.foodbank.or: Newall Peter <peternewall@thurrock.foodbank.org.uk> 


  • 96 Dock Rd
  • Tilbury
  • Essex
  • RM18 7BT

01375 842309
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