Our Lady Star of the Sea



Baptism is one of the three sacraments of initiation by which we become members of Christ’s Church.

Parishioners who wish to have their child baptised should contact Fr Anthony to talk about attending the Baptismal Preparation Course run by one of our Catechists. Once the course has been undertaken a date can be booked for the baptism ceremony. Baptisms at Our Lady Star of the Sea usually take place at 4pm on Saturday.


The sacrament of Confirmation is the second of the sacraments of initiation and enables the candidate to accept the commitments made at Baptism and take their place as a full member of the Church.

At Tilbury we run a programme to prepare candidates to receive the sacrament. Adults and young people in Year 8 or above wishing to be confirmed are asked to submit an application to Father Anthony. Adults who wish to be confirmed may be prepared by Father Anthony or take part in the RCIA programme (See below).

The Sacrament of Confirmation is conferred for adults at the Easter Vigil and for younger candidates when the Bishop makes his pastoral visit.

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Programme

The Holy Eucharist is the great gift by which we experience the ultimate sign of Christ’s presence. The Eucharist is the only one of the three Sacraments of Initiation that can be received more than once. Frequent reception of Holy Communion helps us to live the Christian life by deepening our relationship with Christ and allowing Him to strengthen us in a very special way.

At Tilbury there is a preparation course every year to prepare children to receive their First Holy Communion. The dates of the preparation course are advertised in the parish newsletter and parents of children from Year 3 (and who are 7 by September 1st) are asked to submit an application form. The course is run by a team of catechists and most of the sessions take place on Mondays after school.The preparation usually begins in the autumn and the First Holy Communion Mass is held on a Saturday in May.

To receive these sacraments, we ask that parents are committed to the programme and that they support their children as they deepen their relationship with Jesus, above all, by meeting Him in Sunday Mass.

  • 96 Dock Rd
  • Tilbury
  • Essex
  • RM18 7BT

01375 842309
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